Teaching Experience



Sept 18 - Oct 23 // Tuesdays // 6 - 8 p.m. CST

Hosted online through the Loft Literary Center, this generative six-week course will provide the opportunity to engage with our origins, establish a clear sense of place, and delve into the personal practice of poetry. This class is meant to serve as an exploratory nature of place in a concrete (physical location, birthplace, etc) and abstract sense (place as metaphor, sound, time, etc).

CRW 308: POETRY WORKSHOP II: Voice and Vision

UNC Wilmington, Fall 2022

This course was an intermediate-level workshop focused on the craft of writing poetry. Students engaged in technical exercises in sound, meter, form, image, and voice. Through a series of workshops, the class discussion centered on student-created texts, with supplemental readings from contemporary poets. Students read collections of poetry and craft essays before exploring the heart of poetry writing. This class culminated in a final portfolio of revised work. 

CRW 208: POETRY WRITING I: Image and Pattern

UNC Wilmington, Spring 2023

In this course, students interested in reading, writing, and studying poetry dove into the specifics of place-based writing. Together, we examined the work of diverse poets and explored multiple poetic forms, while creating opportunities for students to produce their own poems. This course included time and space for students to workshop their writing within the classroom and engage with providing feedback for their peers. Poetry Workshop I focused on how to read and write poetry through the lens of place.

CRW 203: EVOLUTION OF CREATIVE WRITING: Conversations with Ghosts

UNC Wilmington, Fall 2021 - Spring 2023

This course introduced students to influential past authors in the horror genre while investigating how creative writing has changed over time. The writers we read engaged with a wide variety of genres, subjects, and personal voices. Students wrote creative, experimental responses to this literature and attempted to find their own voice in relation to the past. Through participation in nuanced discussions and written assignments, students evaluated the ongoing evolution of craft, theme, and genre as both readers and writers.


UNC Wilmington, Fall 2020 - Fall 2021

This course introduced students to the principles and techniques of creative writing in each of three genres: poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Students learned and engaged with fundamental craft elements, read published works, and wrote in each genre. Workshop was a key component of this course, where students provided written and verbal feedback to their peers.


UNC Wilmington, Spring 2022

This course encouraged the exploration of creative processes informed by a variety of allied arts including, but not limited to: creative writing, music, painting, sculpture, theater, dance, and film. This course included lectures, readings, and weekly creative exercises.